Not long now before the start of the new season, and the green is already looking good! There are a few items for members to consider before the fun begins:
Bar Rota. Our new bar manager, Andy Roberts will need help to run it, so if you would like to join his team,
please let him know.
Teas and Cleaning Rotas. Antonia will be putting lists on the notice board soon, for members to volunteer for teas and cleaning duties. We are adopting a slightly different approach for the teas rota this year, in that only one volunteer is needed for each match.
(Don’t forget to come along the spring-cleaning session on Saturday 25th March, from 10.00 a.m.)
Ladies’ County Representative. Lesley Burns has retired after many years serving the club as Ladies’ County Representative; volunteer replacement wanted!
Quiz & Chips. This popular club event will take place on Saturday 22 April, starting at 3.00p.m. Full details to follow.